Posts by jake_plahn

Board Meeting, August 24, 2015 at 7:00 pm

Posted by on Aug 25, 2015 in Board Meetings

Mountain View Academy

45 S. Moss ◊ Lowell, Oregon 97452 ◊ (541)735-1709

Board of Director’s Meeting

August 24, 2015

6th grade classroom MVA Wing

6:15 pm – Executive Session

7:00 pm – Public Session

The Mountain View Academy School Board encourages public input. Persons wishing to address the Board on school related issues, are invited to do so, either when the item is presented on the agenda, or under the “Public Comments” section. In the interest of time and order, presentations from the public are limited to three (3) minutes per person, and the total time for individual agenda items shall not exceed (20) minutes. An individual speaker’s allotted time may not be increased by a donation of time from members of the public in attendance. If you wish to speak under Public Comments, please complete a Public Comment Form and turn it in to Beth Sprague. The Board requests complaints or charges against an employee be held in Executive Session. Individuals who require disability-related accommodations or modifications to participate in the Board meeting should contact the Administrator in writing prior to the meeting.


1.0 OPENING BUSINESS – 6th grade classroom MVA Wing

1.1 Call to Order

1.2 Public Comment on Executive Session topics

2.0 EXECUTIVE SESSION – 6th Grade Classroom MVA Wing

2.1 Pursuant to ORS 192.660(2)(i)

To review and evaluate the employment-related performance of the chief executive officer of any public body, a public officer, employee or staff member who does not request an open hearing

2.2 Pursuant to ORS 192.660(2)(f)

To consider records exempt by law from public inspection.

2.3 Return to Public Session

3.0 OPENING OF PUBLIC SESSION – 6th Grade Classroom MVA Wing

3.1 Public Session Call to Order at 7:00 pm

3.2 Attendance:Board Chair Jake Plahn, Vice Julie Valencia, Beau Garner, Erica Richardson, and Jessica Justman

3.2.1 Guests: none

3.3 Approval of Agenda

3.4 Approval of Minutes

3.5 Schedule Next Meeting: Sept  21st at 7:00 in the PDR

3.6 July Budget: Laurie stated there is a line item in the budget for transportation.  This will be slightly higher as we will be busing more children next year.

Clarification – The audit that took place recently was a preliminary financial audit.  This went well.  We will still be having a full audit in October.


**Opportunity for Citizens to address items not on the Agenda. Persons wishing to address the Board on any school related issue not listed elsewhere on the agenda are invited to do so now. Board Members are limited, but not required, to give a brief response to public statement or questions regarding non-agenda items.


5.1 Information on direction for PERS opt-out

Reviewed letter from lawyer for retainer fees/contract.  Laurie is asking approval from the board to have letter signed and pay 8,000 retainer for enlisting the attorney’s services for the PERS opt out.


Beau: This is a direction we need to head for the academy and teachers.  Beau is in favor of starting this process.

Beau moves to sign the agreement and approve 8,000 to pay the attorney retainer fee.  Julie seconds the motion.  Motion was unanimously approved.

5.2 Information on Champions program

Laurie presented some information on an all-inclusive after school program contract option.  We would need more details on this if we wanted to pursue it.  The question is do we want to get more information on this?  We decided Julie would check into the program and get more details as well as check with Walt to see if this might be an option.  There would need a minimum number of 12 students.

5.3 Legislative Sessions handout

Discussed information from the legislative session hand out.  New legislation reveals that for a student who attends a charter their home district/school no longer receives 10% of their ADM.  Money above 80% now all goes to the district in which the charter is located.

5.4 Approve enrollment window

Discussed enrollment window options.  Laurie proposed 24 hr. enrollment window for now and then enrollment window from back to school orientation through the first day of school.

Jessica motions to open two enrollment windows.  One for 8/25 and one for 8/31-9/3.  Erika seconded.  Motion was unanimously approved.

5.5 BSO

Went over plan for the BSO.  The board will help serve at the ice cream social.  Board members are wearing character shirts from last year.  Teachers are also wearing their shirts.  We are signed up for a fundraiser through Jamba Juice.  We will roll this out at the BSO.  Students sell $10 gift cards.  We will receive $5 from each sale.  The teachers would like projector screens for the classrooms.  The money made through this will go towards this goal.  Board members will report at 6:30 for the BSO.  There was needed forms already sent out to all families but we will have extras.  We will have an ice-cream social at the event.  We decided to keep it simple and do ice-cream cones.  We went over volunteer opportunities and draft volunteer sign-up sheets.  Board member Jessica will bring a complete list of volunteer sign-up sheets to the BSO.

5.6 Approve purchase of bulletin board for office hallway

Laurie requested approval for the purchase of two bulletin boards.  One would be for parent communication and would be placed outside the school office.  One would be for the 7th/8th grade classroom.   Laurie has obtained quotes for $210 or $213.  Jessica motioned to approve $430 for bulletin boards.  Erika seconded the motion.  The motion was unanimously approved.

5.7 Approve purchase of at least one more vacuum for classrooms

Laurie requested approval for purchase of additional vacuums.  This would allow for more than one person vacuuming at once.  Laurie already obtained quotes online at between $120-140.  Erika stated that it is important to buy a quality vacuum cleaner.   Erika motioned to approve $400 for the purchase of 2 vacuum cleaners.  No one seconded the motion.  Beau motioned to approve up to $300 to purchase 2 vacuum cleaners.  Erika seconded the motion.  The motion was unanimously approved.

5.8 Board clarification on employee insurance

Laurie is requesting clarification on how much flexibility the board would like to give staff in choosing their health insurance options.  We budgeted up to $400 per month per employee for health coverage.  Laurie presented that the basic plan available through Pacific Source insurance is $329 per staff member per month.  We can add an additional dental plan which would cost $52 per staff member per month.  This is all individual coverage.  There would be an option for employees to purchase family coverage at an additional cost paid directly by the employee.

Some staff would like FSA accounts only and would like to opt out of the other coverage.  Only people who have other coverage can opt out.   The federal government stated we can only put $2550 maximum in a FSA for each employee.

The board discussed options and equity between the plans.

The board clarified that we will allow dual covered staff members the ability to opt out of the regular health plan and receive a FSA instead in the amount of $2550 as allowed by regulations.  We will also allow the staff members who opted out to receive a dental plan for either individual or family coverage.


Laurie is proposing allowing teachers to be reimbursed up to a certain amount for clothing expenses.  This money will come out of their professional development funds.

Julie made a motion to allow teachers to utilize up to$300 of the professional development funds allotment for work clothes reimbursement.  They must submit receipts to be reimbursed.  Jessica seconded the motion.  Motion passed unanimously.

6.1 Administrator’s Report

Laurie presented her administrators report.  Teachers have met over the summer to work on curriculum training and other trainings.  Most of the supplies and equipment for the next school year are in.  The modular is also in.  Current student count is at 107 students.

7.0 ADJOURNMENT -9:42 pm

Any documents that are public records and are provided attachments to public session items on this agenda are accessible to the public on the school’s website, with the exception of documents provided at the time of the meeting. Documents that are public records, and are provided at the time of the meeting to a majority of the Board regarding a public session item, will be made available for public inspection upon request to the Administrator’s Assistant.

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Activity Fee Procedure

Posted by on Mar 18, 2015 in Policies


Adopted: 3/21/2017, Updated: 1/23/2018

Resolved by Mountain View Academy

1. The activity fee is $250.00 per student per school year. $50 of the $250 is due with the student’s registration in February and is nonrefundable unless the applicant is placed on the waiting list, then the $50 application fee is refunded.

2. The remaining $200 is due by the first day of school. The $200 can be paid in full anytime, or the applicant may elect to make payments on the 1st or 15th of each month, starting in March. The minimum payment each month is $50, unless extenuating circumstances warrant prior approval by the Board of Directors.

a.Families with multiple students can have an extended payment plan, not to exceed December 31st.

3. A reimbursement of activity fee money must be requested and presented to the Board of Directors for approval.  Reimbursements will only be granted at a 50% reimbursement rate. No reimbursements will be granted after January 1st.

4. Students will be excluded from activities if these fees are not paid in full by the first day of school in September, unless prior arrangements were made and approved by the Board of Directors.

5. Mid-year activity and enrollment fees- When a student joins mid-year, no matter what time of year you join, there is a $50 fee assessed and then $25 per month fee, up to $250 total.





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Board Meeting March 17, 2015 at 7:00 pm

Posted by on Mar 17, 2015 in Board Meetings

Date: 2/24/2015

Start Time: 7:08 PM

End Time: 9:08 PM

Location: Mountain View Academy Middle School Classroom

Attendees: Beau Garner, Jake Plahn, Julie Valencia, Jessica Justman, Laurie Cardwell


Agenda Items


  • Call Meeting to Order
  • Adoption of Agenda
    • unanimous consent
  • Approval of Minutes
    • unanimous consent
  • Schedule next meeting
    • April 28th executive session 6:15 PM PDR Room, normal session 7:00 PM
  • Administrator’s Report
  • Financial Report
  • Approved Budget
  • Projected Budget
  • Approve reduced kinder cap
    • kinder cap is 12 students, unanimous consent
  • Marketing Plan
    • radio ad
    • Facebook ad
    • networking events & business cards
      • unanimous consent
  • Refundable vs non-refundable activity fee.
    • $250 activity fee, $50 is required with application and that $50 is non-refundable.
    • $200 can be set up on a payment plan, can be refunded up to 50% upon a written request.  No money will be refunded after January 1st of the current school year.
  • Adjourn
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Board Meeting February 9, 2015 at 7:00

Posted by on Feb 7, 2015 in Board Meetings

Date: 2/9/2015

Start Time: 7:00 PM

End Time:

Location: Mountain View Academy Middle School Classroom

Attendees: Vice President Julie Valencia, Board Member Beau Garner, Erica Richardson and Jessica Justman. Administrator Laurie Cardwell and Minutes Recorder Beth Sprague were also present.

Guests:  Amy Peters

Agenda Items

  • Vice President Julie Valencia called the meeting to order at 7:07 pm.
  • The agenda was adopted as published without changes.
  • Approval of Minutes from the previous meeting was tabled until February 24th, 2015.
  • Discuss portable classrooms
    • Laurie Cardwell shared that she has had multiple families ask about future plans for MVA.  Future plans for MVA are currently pended until the budget is developed. Laurie reviewed the 2015-16 Budget Scenarios handout with the Board.  The base projection assumes current enrollment with weights added.  Breakeven number within the projection is 88 students.
      • Scenario 1 reflects current operation with 1 teacher added at 99, 115 and breakeven (88 students) AdM amounts with ending balances of $67,417, $159,417 and $4,167 respectively.
      • Scenario 2 reflects 1 new teacher with health insurance for 10 employees at 99, 115 and breakeven  (95 students) AdM amounts with ending balances of $27,417, $119,417 and $4,417 respectively.
      • Scenario 3 reflects 1 new teacher, health insurance for 10 employees and rental of 1 portable classroom at 99, 115 and breakeven (98 students) with ending balances of $6,417, $98,417 and $667 respectively.
        • The modular cost proposed for scenario 3 is a double room modular which Mr. Hanlin provided a proposal cost for previously.
        • The Board discussed the above scenarios and requested clarification on the student headcount vs. weighted headcount.  After checking with Mr. Hanlin, it was clarified that the student headcount shown are weighted amounts.
    • Health Insurance was discussed. Principal Cardwell was advised MVA would have to hold their own insurance and could not tag onto Lowell’s.  The estimated insurance costs are based on the standard employee only plan offered across school districts.
    • Walt Hanlin advised that he must approve any modular MVA chooses.   Jessica Justman shared she found that the used modulars are around $100-$200 less expensive per month.
    • Julie Valencia noted that if we keep 7th & 8th at 10 combined and then look at 6 and below, this issue will repeat next year if the Board chooses a single room.  Erica Richardson suggested an affirmative decision for the modulars with a pended decision for insurance.  Jessica Justman asked if we had a feel for the current status of the teachers and if delayed insurance would be a retention issue.    Julie said that the lease amounts are based on the highest cost projection provided by Mr. Hanlin, and if a used modular was chosen it may reduce them more.
    • Current projected end of year balances are approximately $51,000 to be carried forward.  Laurie Cardwell added that the $25,000 donations received this FY were not spent.
    • Julie Valencia asked if there was a sick day FY carry over. The Board has not yet decided on that policy.
    • Responding to a question from Julie, without a modular Laurie explained that students could be accommodated for one year with minor structure changes including the addition of a door, however FY17 would require a plan.  There are a few parents who would choose to remove their children if a modular is not added to accommodate upper level classes.  Laurie explained that by addressing this issue in this FY, it sends parents and students a message  that MVA has engaged in well thought out planning based on on what is best for the students.  As a K-8 school she feels strongly that MVA’s focus should be on making decisions for that segment of students. She suggests placing the 6th graders in the modular with the new teachers.
    • Amy Peters, was recognized by the Board and said that she plans to keep her child at MVA regardless of the decision for or against a modular.
    • Julie Valencia said the Board made it the first year, and have money left over; providing insurance to teachers should be a priority and adding another teacher is imperative.  The portable estimate is high and possible savings could be gained.  Two years are left on the MVA contract with Lowell and she believes it irresponsible to choose option B.
    • Jessica Justman asked for clarification on MVA having to lease the modular through Lowell and the cost reflected have Lowell doing the full setup with MVA only incurring the lease payment.  Laurie Cardwell said this is the first step in a long process and MVA could at any time cancel if there are unforseen costs or Lowell and MVA are unable to reach an agreement.
    • Beth Sprague, parent was recognized and asked about the projected budget balances and how those numbers were developed; she commented that it seemed premature for the Board to approve a monthly lease expenditure prior to developing a true projected budget.
    • Erica Richardson shared that President Plahn stated that Maureen was good at her job and her projections are meaningful. Mr. Hanlin has been very successful and he is trying to be successful for Lowell and MVA’s success boosts Lowell’s success.
    • Laurie Cardwell asked for the board’s approval for additional space via a modular to provide the best environment for the students and provide the best education for the students as well.
    • Julie Valencia moved to approve Scenario 3 as outlined about with the addition of a teacher, benefits for 10 staff members and a portable; Jessica Justman seconded the motion.
    • Beau Garner amended the motion to remove the addition of the teacher and benefits to be addressed at a more appropriate time in the budget cycle, but moved to move forward with pursing an alternate scenario with a portable classroom. Erica Justman seconded the amendment.  With no further discussion the motion was approved unanimously.  Board President Plahn was not present.
    • The Board asked Jessica Justman to look into modular options to bring back to the Board for review. Laurie will bring the projected timeline to the Board when it is provided to her by Mr. Hanlin.
    • The Board discussed future budgetary issues including carry over teacher accruals.  It was noted that the Professional Services line item is 24k.  The Board requested that amount be confirmed with the current contract.  The Board requested budget timelines be added as an agenda item at the subsequent Board meeting.
  • With no further discussion Vice President Valencia adjourned the meeting at 8:35 pm.
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Board Meeting February 24, 2015 at 7:00

Posted by on Jan 28, 2015 in Board Meetings

Date: 2/24/2015

Start Time: Meeting was called to order at 7:04 pm by President Jake Plahn

End Time:

Location: Mountain View Academy Middle School Classroom

Attendees:  President Jake Plahn, Vice President Julie Valencia, Board Member Beau Garner, and Board Member Erica Richardson.  Principal Laurie Cardwell and Minutes Recorder Beth Sprague were also present.

Guests:  Maureen Weathers and Walt Hanline were also present.

Agenda Items

  • Call Meeting to Order
    • The meeting was called to order at 7:04 pm by President Jake Plahn.
  • Adoption of Agenda
    • Agenda was adopted by unanimous consent.  Board Member Richardson and Justman were not present.
  • Approval of Minutes from the February 9th Special Session and January 27 regular meeting.
    • Minutes of the February 9th, 2015 Special Session.  Beau Garner moved to accept the minutes from the February 9th meeting and asked it be noted that there was information disseminated in the previous meeting which has since been updated. He expressed concern that the actual amount of students in the class, vs. the weighted number was represented incorrectly and would have lead to an alternate voting outcome.  He asked that the previous meeting minutes be footnoted to reflect this and that his concern be recorded.  President Plahn seconded the motion; the motion passed unanimously with Board Member Erica Richardson and Justman were not present.
    • Minutes of the January 27th, 2015 Board meeting were approved as presented. Board Member Erica Richardson and Justman were not present.
  • Schedule next meeting
    • Meeting of the Board was scheduled for March 17, 2015 at 7:00 pm.
  • Special budget report By Maureen Weathers
    • Maureen Weathers introduced herself to the board. Walt Hanline said that the error identified in the budget from the last board meeting was due to his error, rather than hers and was due to an incorrect interpretation on his part. Walt Hanline said that the Lowell District needs a budget by March 1, 2015 from MVA.  Maureen reviewed the General Fund Summary, noting a 6,000 favorable adjustment on PERS currently noted.  She will continue to work on the projections.  This document was the basis for preparing the budget, pages 12 and 13, with scenario of 2b, as is with teacher / with health insurance with teacher / with health insurance with teacher / with portable.    Maureen reminded the Board this year kindergarteners are counting as full.  The numbers are weighted on rate rather then per head.
  • Erica Richardson joined the meeting at 7:23 pm.
    • Changes included 4,000 decrease due to the 20,000 per year rather then 2,000 a month x 12.  The PERS rate had a typographical error; the rate should reflect 17.64.  A potential budgetary adjustment for portables may be anticipated.   Julie Valencia asked regarding the e-school agreement which is 26.00 per student a year and split in half between Lowell and MVA.  The Board agreed that should be added to the budget.  Laurie Cardwell explained with 115 students, and chose to fund the portable, teacher and benefits, the GF ending balance would be approximately 100k with the updates.  Ms. Cardwell solicited budget questions from the Board.
    • Responding to a question from Beau Garner Laurie explained that 115 students reflects 10 cap in middle school and all the rest of the spots full. Currently MVA has 92 enrolled, with a potential 3 arriving within the month.  Of the 95, 9 would be in kindergarten class.  That number is not rated.  The weighed factor is 57.40 to apply to actual students.  Jake Plahn said he is not concerned about the budget or the numbers, but more toward how many students we want to provide our services to.    Walt Hanline added that the concern should not be for the students, but that they will be the correct grade levels.
    • Walt Hanline said if MVA is full with 15 kids per grade level x 8 classrooms, is 120. Less 5 for the middle school.  Supt. Hanline agreed with President Plahn in that adding 8th graders is a difficult dynamic and the Board should be cautious on around that.
    • Julie Valencia asked that a line item be added for marketing. Maureen replied affirmatively.
    • Jake Plahn thanked Maureen for her services and clarified that creation, development and submission of the budget is included in the contract.  Maureen and Walt Hanline said it is.
    • Vice President Valencia noted that at FCA students increased yearly without marketing.
    • Mr. Hanline explained process wise, you do not need a committee; the budget committee requirement would be part of the community committee as would the budget hearing.  The State of the District Celebration scheduled for May will include the MVA.
    • Mr. Hanline said with the budget proposed MVA has a $98,000 cushion.  That would require MVA to get to 103 students to properly be funded.  He said that Lowell is working on bus routes, and will be competing with MVA as it wont be as easier to get kindergarteners out of Lowell.  The budget does reflect the 250 per student as well as well as a carry-forward of approximately $50k.
    • Budget
      • The budget presented by Laurie Cardwell shows the full options.  Per Maureen a supplemental budget is not necessary when changes are made, rather a budget change can be made by motion.  When a budget is adopted, it is submitted to the Lowell District Board for approval as an appendix to the Lowell Budget.
      • Maureen said she heard changes to be made were to add a line item for advertising, adjustment business services downward and add 13.00 for e-services as well.
      • Jake Plahn said he believes we should approve the budget listed and add Maureen’s caveats to the agenda for the next meeting.  Walt Hanline recommended that MVA have the cleanest budget.
      • President Plahn moved the proposed budget be approved with the line items of e-services added at 13.00 per student, (estimated at $1,500), 3,000 added for advertising and adjustment of business services down $4,000. Erica Richardson seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously with Board Member Justman not present.
  • Walt Hanline available to explain portable/lease agreement and answer questions
    • Additional Information
    • Mr. Hanline distributed the project scope handout from Modern Building Systems dated February 20, 2015.  He reviewed the documents noting the following:
      • Doublewide, with doors in between
      • Exterior will be matching the existing buildings
      • Interior color choices are left to MVA
      • Zero overhangs, 12, 16 or 18 overhangs are possible, however 18′ are proposed
      • The structure will be on grade.
      • The overhang is 8ft 3 inches, which Mr. Hanline is concerned about students pulling out the gutters if they are too low.
      • The cost totals at $115,000
      • Once the proposal for the portable was accepted, then MVA would discuss the financing. The current interest rate would be around 5% as MVA is not tax exempt with a tax exempt bonds option.  He solicited questions from the Board regarding the portable and financing.
        • Beau Garner asked how firm the bids are.  Walt Hanline said all amounts are locked in. The only item questionable is the electric service.  Mr. Hanline said that MVA will not be charged for anything over $115,000, any amounts over that estimation will be covered by the District.  President Plahn said that the bid looks acceptable to him and is aligned with MVA’s growth potential and shows a conscious effort to expand.  Mr. Hanline discussed the question of MVA intending to be K-8 or not. He recommended selling a safe, family type environment.
        • Laurie Cardwell spoke in support of the proposal.
        • The Lease Agreement was reviewed on a line item basis by Mr. Hanline with the Board.
          • Term: July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2022.
          • Charter can occupy as long as agreement is in effect.
          • Extension of charter license:  if at any reason Lowell closes, the liability rolls to Lowell and not to MVA.  State law keeps the charter contract from extending past 5 years.  Should the charter contract not be renewed the contract agreement will terminate.
          • The rent for 7 years is $1675 per month with payments due 1st of the month.
          • Rent will be due as 500 per month in July 1, 2022.
          • The  District will use the excess annual rental fees for common use facilities of Lundy Elementary.  Responding to a question from Julie Valencia, the common use facilities referred to are defined in the original lease.
        • President Plahn said he puts trust in Walt and believes this contract is just a formality.  Maureen added this rent is in line with West Lane Technical Charter who just completed a rental agreement as well.
        • Julie Valencia said she wants to be sure that nothing is left open to interpretation when Walt Hanline retires.   Mr. Hanline said that creating past practices to fall back on is important.
        • President Plahn moved to approve the portable and the property use agreement as presented.  Julie Valencia seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.
        • Agenda Addition
          • WHA Insurance
            • Walt Hanline provided the Board a handout from WHA Insurance dated February 24, 2015.  He said that currently MVA is paying 4,247 andthe estimated PACE premium woudl be approximately 4,500.  Mr. Hanline said he believes the current insurance is not meeting the word of the contract and he would recommend the Board direct him to pursue a quote for insurance.
            • Jake Plahn spoke in support of the proposal. The Board directed Walt Haline to pursue obtaining a quote using President Plahn, Laurie Cardwell and Kelly Harris as resources as needed.
  • Teacher technology requests
    • Laurie Cardwell provided technology proposals outlining a document camera and projector, wireless extender and 15 tablets.
      • Jake Plahn noted that the proposed tablets are cheap quality as they are basically disposable.
      • President Plahn moved the Board approve $1424.85 for tablets as proposed for the Kindergarten class and the purchase of an additional wi-fi device to be funded from donations.  Erica Richardson seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
      • President Plahn moved the Board approve $450 for Amy Christensen’s technology proposal to be funded from donations.  Beau Garner seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
      • President Plahn proposed that MVA purchase Office 365 for Students, Faculty and Affiliates which would provide Office on each device totaling $1200 per year.
      • President Plahn moved that MVA purchase Office 365 totaling $400 for MVA computers as well as a document camera for Jill Chapman.  The Office 365 purchase would provide 4 months of licensing and would be readdressed after that time.  Amounts would be taken from the donations.  VP Valencia seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.
  • Administrator’s Report
    • Laurie Cardwell said last Friday students were taken to OMSI which was a successful event and included a submarine tour.  The students were commended on their manners.  The 3rd graders were taken to Snow White in the Wildish Theatre. The 3rd graders dressed up for the event which was a success.  On February 12 the Lions Vision, Hearing and Speech evaluated students.  This is a help in evaluated academic progress. The mid-year testing for Dibels K-4 has been completed. With initial results we’ve targeted students who needed extra help.  Walt Hanline and Maureen have been worked with on budgets. A marketing focus will be needed in the upcoming months.  On February 18th, 3rd – 8th grade received testing training on OAKS.  The OAKS science test will be administered next month and smarter balance reading and math grades k-8 will be administered in May.
  • Approve hiring of new teacher
    • The Board noted the new teacher has been budgeted and approved Laurie moving forward.
  • Discuss setting monthly enrollment dates for March, April, May
    • Julie Valencia spoke with Kelly Harris who recommended the last two weeks of each month would be ideal for the enrollment dates and would prevent having to revisit this repeatedly.  Erica Richardson recommended opening the MVA window prior to the Pleasant Hill window.  Laurie recommended not having a long period of time open to prevent a lottery situation.
    • Erica Richardson suggested that summer packets be handled by a volunteers.  Laurie Cardwell suggested the summer packet cost be funded by activity fees.  Jake Plahn agreed that this could be funded by activity fees. Laurie said the cost previously was <.01 per page and was completed by volunteers.
    • Erica Richardson moved an enrollment window be set for the first 10 days of each month commencing in March and ending in May.  President Plahn seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.
  • Discuss sub day rollover or EOY cash out(budget, perk)
    • As a board a policy decision is required for the sub day roll over process.  Jake Plahn confirmed currently there is no option for sub-day rollover or cash out and the days are lost at year end.
    • Erica Richardson said she sees this as a huge perk as it allows MVA not to pay for a sub, and can be seen as a benefit. She spoke in favor of the teachers being able to cash out, but not accrue days to cash out.  Julie Valencia said that a cash out could be offerred as part of a bonus plan. Beau Garner agreed.  Jake Plahn said as long as the budget provides for it he is in support.
    • Julie Valencia moved that at year end, any teacher with unused sub-days may cash them out.  Erica Richardson seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
  • Discuss having a drug policy for MVA staff
    • Julie Valencia suggested that as of July 1, 2015 there will be a new marijuana law in Oregon going into effect, however federal law supercedes state law.  Technically this would be a non issue as you cannot have paraphernalia on campus anyway.  President Plahn said he is anti drug policy and if it is a teacher affecting their work, MVA is not a collective bargaining campus and has at will employees.  Beau Garner asked Laurie Cardwell for input. Laurie said after speaking with Mr. Hanline that federal law supersedes state law.  No action was taken by the board.
  • OSBA budget committee
    • Referenced in previous discussion, Supt Hanline advised a budget committee is no longer needed.
  • OSBA Membership
    • Maureen suggested obtaining members for charter schools specifically. This would provide access to legal and hr, professional development for Board members, communications specialist, and an avenue for assessing state-wide services.  Julie Valencia said as long as MVA utilized the service it could be valuable.  The membership is due June of each year.  Beth Sprague expressed support of the membership.
      • Jake Plahn moved that the membership be applied for and Julie Valencia be assigned as the lead. Erica Richardson seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.
  • OSBA services
    • This was addressed in the previous agenda item.
  • Laurie Cardwell reminded the Board that their training is scheduled on March 8, 2015.
  • Julie Valencia said a parent is putting together a used sports equipment day on March 18th, Leann Monteith is leading and can be contacted with questions.  Laurie Cardwell said she is in the process of making a flier for the Parent Teacher Association and volunteer needs.  Once completed it will be added to facebook.
  • Adjourn
    • With no further discussion the meeting was adjourned at 9:03 pm.
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