Mountain View Academy
45 S. Moss ◊ Lowell, Oregon 97452 ◊ (541) 735-1709
Board of Director’s Meeting
March 31st, 2020
Remotely Via ZOOM
7:00 pm – Public Session
The Mountain View Academy School Board encourages public input. Persons wishing to address the Board on school related issues, are invited to do so, either when the item is presented on the agenda, or under the “Public Comments” section. In the interest of time and order, presentations from the public are limited to three (3) minutes per person, and the total time for individual agenda items shall not exceed (20) minutes. An individual speaker’s allotted time may not be increased by a donation of time from members of the public in attendance. If you wish to speak under Public Comments, please complete a Public Comment Form and turn it in to Julie Curry. The Board requests complaints or charges against an employee be held in Executive Session. Individuals who require disability-related accommodations or modifications to participate in the Board meeting should contact the Administrator in writing prior to the meeting. |
2.0 OPENING OF PUBLIC SESSION– Bridgeway Contracting
2.1 Public Session Call to Order: 7:06pm meeting called tor order.
2.2 Attendance:
_X_ Julie Curry
_X_ Beau Garner
_X_ Rita Fisher
___ Stacey Kelso (absent due to illness)
_X_ Julie Valencia
_X__ Jessica Cardwell, Director
_X_ Laurie Cardwell, Director
2.3 Approval of agenda – Agenda approved as written.
- Approval of minutes – February 28, 2020 – Minutes approved as
- Schedule the next meeting – April 28th @ 7pm.
- Budget – Discussed.
- Financial Review – Everyone has received and reviewed their packets.
3.1 Adopt corrective action plan on audit deficiency finding – Rita Fisher makes a motion to accept the corrective action plan for the Secretary of State Audit Deficiency findings for the 2018 – 2019 school year. Julie Curry seconds the motion. Motion has unanimously passed.
3.2 COVID-19 closure updates and planning – discussion around the current closure, ODE mandates, and what the MVA plan looks like during this closure.
3.3 Student Investment Account – discussion around the SIA grant, our submission, and information from the ODE on the date being pushed back.
4.1 Administrator’s Report:
- Preschool/PreK location search – We have been accepted by one site (East Valley) and a preliminary acceptance of another (the House).
- Preschool & PreK through the closure. We are not charging any of our families during the closure, but we will continue providing supplies, resources, and activities. We have purchased a lot of things for these kids to do at home and to help the parents navigate learning from home.
- Liz Lesch – Liz was set to take over for Amy after spring break. With the school closure, we are continuing to employ her to put together the activities and resources for the families. This ensures Liz has an income and she works closely with Amy to navigate this.
- Equity – As we moved to virtual learning, we had to make sure to supply technology and internet to families that did not have either or enough.
- Our plan for the closure – We have moved to Google Classroom and ZOOM for our Virtual Learning model. Teachers are recording lessons on Google Classroom and will check in (live) via ZOOM.
- “Supplemental Learning” – The state has mandated that each school supply students with “supplemental learning”. Each school/district has chosen to define supplemental learning differently. You will hear LOTS of different models because the state has not defined this for schools but left it for schools to define for themselves.
- Staffing – We have met with our teachers twice and our aides. The teachers responded well to all of the changes and once we got our teachers working on the new model, we were able to meet with our Aides and get them in place to support the teachers. All of our teachers and aides know that they are being paid throughout this process for doing a different job.
- State Testing: ODE will suspend implementation of the statewide summative assessments in English language arts and math in grades 3 through 8 & 11 and science in grades 5, 8, & 11 for the 2019-20 school year (pending any required changes to ORSs and OARs).
- Grant & Budget– we have finished our grant and presented to the district on March 10th. We had to make some edits and resubmit in a format that they wanted.It is now complete.
- Formal Observations – Our formal observations were nearly completed before the closure. We had a couple left. With all of this craziness, we just went ahead and canceled their observations and went through the contract meeting without it. They didn’t need that hanging over their head.
- Overnight Field Trip – This has been moved to May, with hopes that we will return to school.
Public Session Call to Close: Meeting adjourned at 7:34pm
Any documents that are public records and are provided attachments to public session items on this agenda are accessible to the public on the school’s website, with the exception of documents provided at the time of the meeting. Documents that are public records and are provided at the time of the meeting to a majority of the Board regarding a public session item, will be made available for public inspection upon request to the Administrator’s Assistant.
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