Admission and Enrollment

I’m going to start formalizing our admission/enrollment policy. ORS 338.125 contains the requirements from the State. Here is my proposal:

  • The children of founders, staff, and board members are waived from the lottery process (dependent on the ODE accepting our waiver).
  • Our board will annually decide on and approve the following items
    • Capacity of the program, class, grade level, and building.
    • Admission Application
      • Content and format.
      • Start and end date for submission.
    • Content and format for the following email notifications sent to parents
      • Submitted successfully.
      • Placed in the lottery and was not accepted. Currently on the waiting list.
      • Accepted for enrollment.
  • Application will be submitted using our web site.
  • Notifications will be sent out from the web site.
  • The lottery will automatically occur once the application submission end date passes. The selection will be performed automatically by the web site software.