Assembling the team

Today I talked with Dionne Plahn, Laurie Cardwell and Cheryl Neet about helping start the charter school. They all would like to help. Tomorrow I’m going to talk to Kelly Harris, Jessica Cardwell, and Kirsten Cardwell. Dionne, Cheryl and I are concerned that we will go through all of this work and not be guaranteed that our children get in, but we think it’s the best thing to do regardless. Right now we have the following team members:

  1. Jake Plahn
  2. Dionne Plahn
  3. Laurie Cardwell
  4. Cheryl Neet


Need to talk to:

  1. Kelly Harris
  2. Jessica Cardwell
  3. Kirsten Cardwell
  4. Rick Garlitz
  5. Tammy Garlitz