Lowell School Board Meeting

I attended the school board meeting last night. During the public comment portion of the meeting Walt noted that the board has received a charter school proposal from Mountain View Academy. I introduced myself and briefly discussed our group and the proposal. Mike Galvin asked what our affiliation with the Fall Creek Home School Academy is. I said that we are a completely separate entity and that the state doesn’t allow private schools that have charged tuition to convert to charter schools. I also mentioned that our only relationship is that all of the people involved in the charter school are also involved in FCHSA. He then asked if not for that state requirement would the FCHSA have submitted the proposal. I initially said probably then later corrected myself and said yes.

Twice during other district discussions Walt mentioned the charter school as if it would be in place next year and be operated in the back wing of Lundy. In my opinion this is good news and I feel confident that he is on our side and will be a great advocate for our school.

Once again I was very impressed with Walt during the meeting and the direction that the district is heading in.