Mountain View Academy:
Board of Director’s Meeting
September 26, 2017
Modular Classroom
7:00pm – Public Session
- Opening of Public Session – MVA Modular Classroom 19
- Public Session Call to Order
7:05 Julie Valencia calls meeting to order.
- Attendance
Julie Valencia, Beau Garner, Chris Curry, Rita Fisher, Stacy Kelso, Laurie Cardwell, and Jessica Cardwel.l
- Guests
No guests in attendance.
- Approval of Agenda
Julie asks for other items to be added to agenda. No items were added to the agenda. Unanimously approved agenda.
- Approval of Minutes
Julie discusses minutes from prior month. Missing motions being written in the minutes. Rita Fisher made the motions on each item from last month and Stacy Kelso seconded. The prior minutes need to be changed to reflect that.
All in favor of approving the minutes.
- Schedule Next Meeting
Julie discusses the 4th Tuesday of October. October 24th. Rita has another board meeting that night but can come late. Meeting is scheduled for 10/24 at 7:00pm
- Budget
- Laurie talks about budget. Laurie notes that we added a student (142) and lost a student (141), so our number remains the same. We have room for 3 more 8th grade students and we are still on track for a nice carry-over.
- Board discusses carry-over and “breathing room” on budget and activity fees. The student that left is discussed and that the family would need to request the activity fee back from the school board.
- Beau discusses the fact that we are starting with a higher ADM than expected. So that boosts our budget further than we originally thought.
- Beau said that next year we will hit our budget cap by reaching full capacity. Lease on modular is discussed as we review funds.
- The grant is discussed and how much we have remaining and the reimbursement process.
- Public Comment
- Action Discussion
Julie introduces action/discussion items. She begins by noting that we are in compliance.
- Approve/Discuss Policies
No policies were discussed.
- Information and Study
- Administrator’s report
- Laurie passes out the administrator’s report to each board member.
- She covers the back to school orientation and that the new organization worked well.
- Laurie notes that we have many new staff members and we have to train, mentor, and communicate well. The staff is doing a great job.
- She notes that the parents are being retrained at parent pick up and that it is working well and that traffic is very limited.
- Middle school schedule had to be adjusted greatly. Laurie discussed the scheduling.
- Health Insurance/Retirement was a hassle
- Behavior issues – the influx of new students has meant that we have behavior issues within our school but we are working hard to get this under control and working with parents to cooperatively find solutions.
- She discusses digital advertisement and that she would like to move MVA to that. Laurie would like to do this during the open enrollment.
- Field trips – she discusses the next two month’s field trips and the field trips for the future.
- The bond is also discussed and what it would do for our school.
- Working with an assistant director has been a huge improvement to our day. Jessica is working on the website.
- We have $40,000 remaining in the grand budget.
- Adjournment
Julie asks if there are any additional items.
Julie adjourns the meeting at 7:28pm
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