Board Meeting, March 29, 2016 at 7:00 pm

Mountain View Academy

45 S. Moss ◊ Lowell, Oregon 97452 ◊ (541)735-1709

Board of Director’s Meeting

March 29, 2016

Mountain View Modular Classroom

7:00 pm – Public Session


The Mountain View Academy School Board encourages public input.  Persons wishing to address the Board on school related issues, are invited to do so, either when the item is presented on the agenda, or under the “Public Comments” section.  In the interest of time and order, presentations from the public are limited to three (3) minutes per person, and the total time for individual agenda items shall not exceed (20) minutes.  An individual speaker’s allotted time may not be increased by a donation of time from members of the public in attendance.  If you wish to speak under Public Comments, please complete a Public Comment Form and turn it in to Erica Richardson.  The Board requests complaints or charges against an employee be held in Executive Session.  Individuals who require disability-related accommodations or modifications to participate in the Board meeting should contact the Administrator in writing prior to the meeting.


1.0 OPENING OF PUBLIC SESSION – Mountain View Modular Classroom

1.1 Public Session Call to Order: 7:06pm

1.2 Attendance:Julie Valencia, Beau Garner, Chris Curry, Erica Richardson, and Laurie Cardwell. Jessica Justman did not attend.

1.2.1 Guests:Ben Silebi

1.3 Approval of Agenda: Moving 3.4 to 1.6 for the guest. Adding Peters to 1.6b. 3. Approve the 2016 Budget; with these changes Beau Gardner motioned and Chris Curry 2nd, The Board unanimous approved.

1.4 Approval of Minutes: Beau Gardner motion to approve the March 15 and Chris Curry 2nd and board approved.

February 23rd Erica Richardson was in attendance. Wording change in 3.6 is the reimbursement from Lowell School District is estimated to be about $5,000. Erica Richardson moves to approve these changes and Chris Curry 2nd; Board approved unanimously.

1.5 Schedule Next Meeting: April 26th 7pm Board Meeting in Modular of MVA and Executive at 6pm.


**Opportunity for Citizens to address items not on the Agenda.  Persons wishing to address the Board on any school related issue not listed elsewhere on the agenda are invited to do so now.  Board Members are limited, but not required, to give a brief response to public statement or questions regarding non-agenda items.

Mr. Silebi presented to the Board that they will be attending another option for education for his kids. He is asking for his activity for next year to be returned the family of $200. The Chris Curry moved to approve the return of the activity fee and Erica Richardson 2nd motion. Board unanimously approved.

1.6b Approve Activity Fee Refund for Kelsey Peters as further review Chris Curry moves to refund the activity fee and Erica Richardson 2nd; The Board unanimously approved.

After further review of MVA Activity Policy. Chris Curry moves that 1. be changed to 1. That the first payment of $50 is due with the student’s registration and is non refundable (up to $50 per family) unless the applicant is placed on the waiting list, then the $50 application fee is refunded. Erica Richardson 2nd the motion. The Board approves unanimously.

1.7 Budget: Current budget was presented at current balance prior to deposits of reimbursements to the marketing and facility expenses. The activity fee for the upcoming field trip is completely covered.  


3.1 Approve the 2016 Budget: The Budget was presented to include that 127 students are attending next year. General Fund Income 100-xxxx  change on the budget will be that the student open enrollment will increase to 72 students = $12,600. The reimbursement of the marketing and facilities will also be included is $7321.92. Beau Garner moves to approve the budget with purposed changes and Erica Richardson 2nd. The Board approve unanimously.

3.2 Approve Kelly & Laurie to be Credit Card Holders with $100,000 Credit Limit: The Bank requires the The Board needs to approve this in order that Kelly and Laurie be appointed Credit Card Holders. Chris Curry motions to approve and Beau Garner 2nd. The Board approves unanimously.

3.3 Approve Business Cost Services: There has been a 3% increase to the cost of Business Services due to Lowell District wide cost of living raise. Chris Curry motions to approve and Beau Garner 2nd. The Board approved unanimously.


4.1 Marketing Report: None presented.

4.2 Grant Report: Laurie has been working on the reimbursement paperwork. The first part of the purchases were classroom furniture and Mac account in technology.

4.3 Administrator’s Report: Please see Laurie’s Report

5.0 ADJOURNMENT: @8:54pm

Any documents that are public records and are provided attachments to public session items on this agenda are accessible to the public on the school’s website, with the exception of documents provided at the time of the meeting.  Documents that are public records, and are provided at the time of the meeting to a majority of the Board regarding a public session item, will be made available for public inspection upon request to the Administrator’s Assistant.