Board Meeting October 19, 2015 at 7:00 pm

Mountain View Academy

45 S. Moss ◊ Lowell, Oregon 97452 ◊ (541)735-1709

Board of Director’s Meeting

October 19, 2015

Professional Development Center

6:15 pm – Executive Session

7:00 pm – Public Session


The Mountain View Academy School Board encourages public input.  Persons wishing to address the Board on school related issues, are invited to do so, either when the item is presented on the agenda, or under the “Public Comments” section.  In the interest of time and order, presentations from the public are limited to three (3) minutes per person, and the total time for individual agenda items shall not exceed (20) minutes.  An individual speaker’s allotted time may not be increased by a donation of time from members of the public in attendance.  If you wish to speak under Public Comments, please complete a Public Comment Form and turn it in to Beth Sprague.  The Board requests complaints or charges against an employee be held in Executive Session.  Individuals who require disability-related accommodations or modifications to participate in the Board meeting should contact the Administrator in writing prior to the meeting.


1.0 OPENING BUSINESS – Professional Development Center

1.1 Call to Order

1.2 Public Comment on Executive Session topics


2.0 EXECUTIVE SESSION – Lowell’s Superintendent’s Office Conference Room

2.1 Pursuant to ORS 192.660(2)(i)

To review and evaluate the employment-related performance of the chief executive officer of any public body, a public officer, employee or staff member who does not request an open hearing

2.2 Pursuant to ORS 192.660(2)(f)

To consider records exempt by law from public inspection.

2.3 Return to Public Session


3.0 OPENING OF PUBLIC SESSION – Professional Development Center

3.1 Public Session Call to Order- Julie Valencia

3.2 Attendance: Julie Valencia President, Beau Garner Vice President, Jessica Justman, Erica Richardson, and CEO Laurie Cardwell

3.2.1 Guests:None

3.3 Approval of Agenda- Approved

3.4 Approval of Minutes- September Minutes Approved

3.5 Schedule Next Meeting- November 17th, 2015 and RS to December 15th, 2015

3.6 September Finances- Laurie instructed that the Projected Ending Balance is $43, 222. Looking further into the budgeted in over calculated amounts of possibles for  Budget 211-PERS $3,000, 100 Expenditures 410- Supplies $100, 2240-Professional Development $5,000, 2542 Building Maintenance 325- Electricity $1,000, 2574 Printing Services 355- $1,000 and Mountain View Academy being short 5 students of our goal $29,000 less. There are some reimbursements of around $5,000 coming from Lowell School District through Building Equipment.

At this point it has been agreed to make sure any expenditures falls with in budget categories for the rest of the year.


**Opportunity for Citizens to address items not on the Agenda.  Persons wishing to address the Board on any school related issue not listed elsewhere on the agenda are invited to do so now.  Board Members are limited, but not required, to give a brief response to public statement or questions regarding non-agenda items.



5.1 School Safety- Laurie Cardwell would like to pursue on Campus Safety Measures with Lowell School District. The Board recognizes the Director proposal to pursue the Campus Safety Measures.

5.2 PERS opt-out report- Laurie Cardwell informed that the Lawyer, we are using right now has brought in another Lawyer within the experience in the procurement process.

5.3 Parent Committee meeting update/Marketing- Jessica Justman informed The Board the meeting went well. Ashley Kramer is President, Julian O’Donell is Treasure, and Amy Peters is Secretary. Parent Committee is meeting tonight and planning for more future plans.

Marketing- Jessica Justman wants to push the Facebook enrollment, the Oregon Family Guide, the Register Guard during the winter break. Jessica plans to proactively start advertising with the $500 to start this winter.

5.4 Discussed enrollment policy- Laurie Cardwell distributed the School Policies and Procedures.


6.1 Administrator’s Report- Laurie Cardwell has set her calendar and the days she is out  she has been able to streamline the errands. Field Trips 4th-8th Grade went to the Marina and the students in the end had fun. The Event Leader stated it was the best group they ever had. Amy Peters was hired for part-time and has turned out to be great help for the others. The Lundy School had brought in safety practice routines. Lock down practice and Earthquake drill. Testing is being prepared. Budget has been reviewed and the future spending is within budget. Kinder’s are developing and moving along at a very fast rate. Reading is at a high level and looking into January to start 1st grade Math.

7.0 ADJOURNMENT-8:36pm

Any documents that are public records and are provided attachments to public session items on this agenda are accessible to the public on the school’s website, with the exception of documents provided at the time of the meeting.  Documents that are public records, and are provided at the time of the meeting to a majority of the Board regarding a public session item, will be made available for public inspection upon request to the Administrator’s Assistant.