Board Meeting February 9, 2015 at 7:00

Date: 2/9/2015

Start Time: 7:00 PM

End Time:

Location: Mountain View Academy Middle School Classroom

Attendees: Vice President Julie Valencia, Board Member Beau Garner, Erica Richardson and Jessica Justman. Administrator Laurie Cardwell and Minutes Recorder Beth Sprague were also present.

Guests:  Amy Peters

Agenda Items

  • Vice President Julie Valencia called the meeting to order at 7:07 pm.
  • The agenda was adopted as published without changes.
  • Approval of Minutes from the previous meeting was tabled until February 24th, 2015.
  • Discuss portable classrooms
    • Laurie Cardwell shared that she has had multiple families ask about future plans for MVA.  Future plans for MVA are currently pended until the budget is developed. Laurie reviewed the 2015-16 Budget Scenarios handout with the Board.  The base projection assumes current enrollment with weights added.  Breakeven number within the projection is 88 students.
      • Scenario 1 reflects current operation with 1 teacher added at 99, 115 and breakeven (88 students) AdM amounts with ending balances of $67,417, $159,417 and $4,167 respectively.
      • Scenario 2 reflects 1 new teacher with health insurance for 10 employees at 99, 115 and breakeven  (95 students) AdM amounts with ending balances of $27,417, $119,417 and $4,417 respectively.
      • Scenario 3 reflects 1 new teacher, health insurance for 10 employees and rental of 1 portable classroom at 99, 115 and breakeven (98 students) with ending balances of $6,417, $98,417 and $667 respectively.
        • The modular cost proposed for scenario 3 is a double room modular which Mr. Hanlin provided a proposal cost for previously.
        • The Board discussed the above scenarios and requested clarification on the student headcount vs. weighted headcount.  After checking with Mr. Hanlin, it was clarified that the student headcount shown are weighted amounts.
    • Health Insurance was discussed. Principal Cardwell was advised MVA would have to hold their own insurance and could not tag onto Lowell’s.  The estimated insurance costs are based on the standard employee only plan offered across school districts.
    • Walt Hanlin advised that he must approve any modular MVA chooses.   Jessica Justman shared she found that the used modulars are around $100-$200 less expensive per month.
    • Julie Valencia noted that if we keep 7th & 8th at 10 combined and then look at 6 and below, this issue will repeat next year if the Board chooses a single room.  Erica Richardson suggested an affirmative decision for the modulars with a pended decision for insurance.  Jessica Justman asked if we had a feel for the current status of the teachers and if delayed insurance would be a retention issue.    Julie said that the lease amounts are based on the highest cost projection provided by Mr. Hanlin, and if a used modular was chosen it may reduce them more.
    • Current projected end of year balances are approximately $51,000 to be carried forward.  Laurie Cardwell added that the $25,000 donations received this FY were not spent.
    • Julie Valencia asked if there was a sick day FY carry over. The Board has not yet decided on that policy.
    • Responding to a question from Julie, without a modular Laurie explained that students could be accommodated for one year with minor structure changes including the addition of a door, however FY17 would require a plan.  There are a few parents who would choose to remove their children if a modular is not added to accommodate upper level classes.  Laurie explained that by addressing this issue in this FY, it sends parents and students a message  that MVA has engaged in well thought out planning based on on what is best for the students.  As a K-8 school she feels strongly that MVA’s focus should be on making decisions for that segment of students. She suggests placing the 6th graders in the modular with the new teachers.
    • Amy Peters, was recognized by the Board and said that she plans to keep her child at MVA regardless of the decision for or against a modular.
    • Julie Valencia said the Board made it the first year, and have money left over; providing insurance to teachers should be a priority and adding another teacher is imperative.  The portable estimate is high and possible savings could be gained.  Two years are left on the MVA contract with Lowell and she believes it irresponsible to choose option B.
    • Jessica Justman asked for clarification on MVA having to lease the modular through Lowell and the cost reflected have Lowell doing the full setup with MVA only incurring the lease payment.  Laurie Cardwell said this is the first step in a long process and MVA could at any time cancel if there are unforseen costs or Lowell and MVA are unable to reach an agreement.
    • Beth Sprague, parent was recognized and asked about the projected budget balances and how those numbers were developed; she commented that it seemed premature for the Board to approve a monthly lease expenditure prior to developing a true projected budget.
    • Erica Richardson shared that President Plahn stated that Maureen was good at her job and her projections are meaningful. Mr. Hanlin has been very successful and he is trying to be successful for Lowell and MVA’s success boosts Lowell’s success.
    • Laurie Cardwell asked for the board’s approval for additional space via a modular to provide the best environment for the students and provide the best education for the students as well.
    • Julie Valencia moved to approve Scenario 3 as outlined about with the addition of a teacher, benefits for 10 staff members and a portable; Jessica Justman seconded the motion.
    • Beau Garner amended the motion to remove the addition of the teacher and benefits to be addressed at a more appropriate time in the budget cycle, but moved to move forward with pursing an alternate scenario with a portable classroom. Erica Justman seconded the amendment.  With no further discussion the motion was approved unanimously.  Board President Plahn was not present.
    • The Board asked Jessica Justman to look into modular options to bring back to the Board for review. Laurie will bring the projected timeline to the Board when it is provided to her by Mr. Hanlin.
    • The Board discussed future budgetary issues including carry over teacher accruals.  It was noted that the Professional Services line item is 24k.  The Board requested that amount be confirmed with the current contract.  The Board requested budget timelines be added as an agenda item at the subsequent Board meeting.
  • With no further discussion Vice President Valencia adjourned the meeting at 8:35 pm.