School Institution Number Appendix B

The following are our answers to Appendix B of the School Institution Number Application.

Physical Location:

  • Is the entity physically located within the existing school district boundary?  If no, explain the circumstances.
    • Yes
  • Is the entity located within the same physical facility occupied by other schools or programs within the district boundary?  If yes, explain the situation.
    • Yes, Our school will be located in the west wing of Lundy Elementary.

Enrollment Process:

  • Can any student within the district enroll in the entity by personal choice when grade levels offered at the entity match a student’s grade level?
    • Yes
  • Is there a separate student intake procedure/process than for a regular school?  Explain.
    • Yes, we have our own distinct enrollment process. This process is documented in our enrollment policy (
  • Who determines which students attend the entity?  Explain.
    • A students parent determines whether or not they will attend.


  • Will the curriculum be comprehensive (Does it offer all courses necessary to allow students at all grade levels to complete all state and district requirements for graduation as per Oregon state statute and administrative regulation:  Division 22)?  If yes, provide the school year course catalog and master schedule.
    • Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
      8:30-9:30 Reading Reading Reading Reading
      9:30-10:15 Math Math Math Math
      10:15-10:30 Movement Break
      10:30-11:00 Spelling Spelling Spelling Spelling
      11:00-11:30 Healthy Living Healthy Living Healthy Living Healthy Living
      11:30-12:00 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
      12:00-12:30 Story time/Penmanship
      12:30-1:10 Science Science Science Elective **
      1:10-1:40 Social Studies Social Studies Social Studies Elective **
      1:40-2:00 Character First Character First Character First Character First
    • Course Catalog
      • Reading
        •  The SRA Reading Mastery program has proven itself to be a solid program that can teach all styles of learners. We will use this program up through level 5 (3rd grade) and then the students will switch to a program called The Daily 5. The Daily 5 encourages a love for literature by allowing students to choose the books they want to read. Through this program, students continue to receive training and instruction in comprehension, accuracy, fluency, and strategies to expand their vocabulary. We will have an elementary level Daily 5 group consisting of grades 4-5 and a middle school group, consisting of grades 6-8. Each reading group will be participating in the Oregon Battle of the Books competition to supplement our reading program.
      • Math
        • The math series we have selected is called Singapore Math, written by the Singapore Ministry of Education. Students in Singapore have repeatedly ranked at or near the top on International Math Exams since the mid-1990′s. These textbooks & workbooks are pleasant to look at and provide a sequential program that has been well tested. In Sixth grade students will switch over to using Saxon Math. The Saxon Math curriculum has an incremental structure that distributes content throughout the year. This integrated and connected approach provides deep, long-term mastery of the content and skills called for in the Common Core State Standards.
      • Spelling
        •  Building Spelling Skills by Evan-Moor is our curriculum of choice. Teacher-created word lists, will supplement the 30 week Evan-Moor program.
      • Science
        • The teachers in our program feel that when it comes to science there is no comparison between reading about something and actually doing it. We have chosen a program “Science in a Nutshell” from Delta Education that brings science to life for kids. The kids will actively participate in science experiments, observing and recording observations. These science modules align with State standards and will work well with our multiple-grade program. We will also use the Scott Foresman Science textbooks for kindergarten through fifth grade. This program provides inquiry-rich content activities, cross-curricular connections that link reading and science skills, and time-saving strategies for lesson preparation and lab setup. In the sixth grade students will switch over to the Glencoe Science: Introduction to Life, Earth, & Physical Sciences. This curriculum starts students off on the right foot in their secondary science education with a balance of life, earth and physical science that prepares students for further study in these areas. Engaging and relevant content and practical hands-on activities are designed for middle school students who are ready for real science.
      • Character First
        • Our character program is used to help teachers define behavioral objectives, reinforce positive behaviors, and create a culture that values good character. Each week students memorize and focus on embodying a different character trait.
      • Healthy Living
      • Penmanship
      • Social Studies
  • Does the entity offer supplemental course work offered to students who attend classes at a non district entity or another school/program within the district’s physical boundary?  Explain the situation.
    • No
  • Are all courses offered and taught by district staff at the entity’s physical location?  Explain the situation.
    • All courses offered are taught by the charter school teacher staff at our physical location.
  • Which entity issues grades to students?
    • Our teachers issue grades to students.
  • Will the entity offer on-line courses from an entity with which there is a contract or agreement with the district to supplement the district’s curriculum offerings or provide the entire curriculum?  If yes, explain in detail the arrangement.
    • No


  • Will the entity issue a regular diploma indicating students have successfully completed all state and district graduation requirements offered by the entity?
    • No, we only offer educational services for kindergarten through eighth grade.

Student Population:

  • Is the student population changing to or from other school district or non school district schools or programs?  Explain.
    • Yes, in our first year of operation enrollment will be coming from a mixture of in district and out of district students.
  • Identify the number of students gained or lost from each school/program affected by the request.
    • Our estimated numbers are:
      • Home School: 75
      • Pleasant Hill: 6
      • Springfield: 9
      • Cottage Grove: 2
      • Oakridge: 10


  • Will the entity have a full time principal/administrator or share administrator duties between multiple locations and/or teaching entities?  What is the arrangement?
    • We will have a full time administrator.
  • Is the principal/administrator certified for this responsibility with the Teachers Standards Practice Commission (TSPC)?
    • Our administrator will be registered, but not licensed by the TSPC.
  • Is the entity’s staff currently teaching at the entity?  Explain the situation.
    • No, we will be hiring a new staff for our charter school.
  • Is the entity’s staff changing teaching assignments from previous assignments?  If so, to what extent.  Explain.
    • No, we will be hiring a new staff for our charter school.
  • Are all teaching staff licensed by TSPC to teach the curriculum they are assigned to teach?
    • All teaching staff will be licensed or registered by the TSPC to teach the curriculum they are assigned to teach.
  • Are all teaching staff of core academic subjects highly qualified?
    • Yes
  • Who evaluates teaching staff?
    • Our administrator evaluates teaching staff.
  • Whose staff meetings do teaching staff attend?
    • Our teaching staff attends monthly staff meetings.

AYP Rating:

  • What was the prior two years AYP rating for the entities involved in the request that were in existence at the time?  If rated as not meeting, what evidence is there that the request is not a way to avoid going into school improvement?
    • Our AYP rating has not been determined. 2014-2015 is our first year in operation.