Date: 12/30/2013
Start Time: 11:00 AM
End Time: 12:25 PM
Location: Jasper Christian Church
Attendees: Jake Plahn, Kelly Harris, Dionne Plahn, Beau Garner
Agenda Items
- Review Robert’s Rules of Order
- Treasurers report
- Jake Plahn nominates Beau Garner for a board position
- Beau Garner was unanimously approved for a board vacancy.
- Using Walt’s current office as the office for our charter school
- We will wait to make a decision on this until we are further along in the process of leasing space at Lundy.
- Adopt conflict of interest policy by resolution
- Conflict of Interest Policy was unanimously adopted.
- Establish IRS Form 1023 items as resolutions
- Unanimously Adopted the proposed Establish IRS Form 1023 items as resolutions
- Notify Parents of Charter
- We will hold an open house in January to inform prospective parents of the charter.
- Amend bylaws remove “summary of what was discussed for the agenda item”
- Unanimously decided to amend bylaws remove “summary of what was discussed for the agenda item”
- Schedule next meeting
Action Items
- Dionne will send out tax receipts for the donated non profit money.
Next Board Meeting
- Thursday January 30th, 2:00 PM at Jasper Christian Church.
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