Location and Land

The building and location plan is not part of our initial proposal, but this could be one of the most time consuming items, so I want to try and focus a couple of hours a week on it. Our plans for buildings and grounds have been explained in a previous post. In order to make our school cost effective and to ensure as much money as possible goes to educating our students we will need to have the land donated. Here is the direction I want to take for land:

  • Land donation from Weyerhauser
  • Land donation from Seneca
  • Oregon Parks and Recreation Department

I figure the first thing to do is call them, explain what we are doing and ask for a land donation. Seneca owns the land behind Tumac in Lowell and Weyerhauser owns a majority of the timbered hillside in Fall Creek. The Oregon Parks and Recreation Department runs the Lowell State Recreation site and if they let the UofO crew team put a building on site for the boats, so they might be willing to let us put buildings on site for a school. I’m also interested in the Dexter State Recreation site as it is bigger than Lowell. The state parks would also be ideal because they have restroom facilities and the grounds are maintained by the parks service. Dexter is 94 acres and Lowell is 57 acres. I will be contacting the following entities this week:

PO BOX 275
SPRINGFIELD OR, 97477-0056
(541) 746-2511

Seneca Sawmill
(541) 689-1011
PO Box 851
Eugene, OR 97440

Oregon Parks and Recreation Department
[email protected]