April 5th

We had our first meeting on 4/5/2013.


  1. Review our goals.
  2. Walk through the Starting a Charter School steps
  3. Walk through the Proposal steps
  4. Walk through the State Requirements
  5. Discuss our proposed start date
  6. Distribute Action Items


  • The meeting went well. Jake Plahn, Dionne Plahn, Laurie Cardwell, Cheryl Neet, Rob Neet, Kelly Harris, Jessica Cardwell, Kirsten Cardwell, and Tammy Garlitz attended.
  • We discussed why we are here and what skills everyone brings to the table.
  • An explanation on the charter school being a separate entity from the Fall Creek Home School Academy and that private schools who charge tuition cannot convert themselves to a charter school took place.
  • We discussed that we are here because we feel strongly about educating the children in our community and that no one on the team is guaranteed a job at the charter school.
  • We made it through step 7 on the Starting a Charter School page. The page has been updated with our responses. Click on the “Completed” link next to the item to see the response.
  • The name of our school was discussed. Kelly doesn’t want the name tied to a location like it is in “Fall Creek Charter”. She is also concerned about the brand/image that will be tied to the name and feels strongly that the name should be easily tied to the brand/image people think of when they hear or see it. Everyone agreed and we brainstormed possibilities.
    • Signify a “new start”, “rebuilding”, “roots”
    • The latin word for “roots” was dismissed because it would be confusing
    • Using a Greek word was shot down because we don’t want it to be confusing.
    • Relate to the founding families of the area
    • Name it after a historical figure that represents character.
  • Our next step is to start the conversation with the Lowell School District about starting a charter school in their district. Tammy volunteered to talk to the district. Jake would like to do this with her. We plan on doing this after our next meeting.
  • We discussed building options in the Lowell/Fall Creek area. We came up with the following options:
    • Lundy
      • Laurie and Rob discussed the dismal and possibly toxic state the building is in. We decided to not pursue this option.
    • Put modulars on the property by Tumac
      • We like this idea, but are leaning towards the Lundy field because of our plans to convert Lundy to a charter school.
    • Putting modulars on the Lundy field
      • We decided that this is the most viable option for us.
    • Forest Service Buildings
      • This space would be perfect for us, but we don’t think the owner is interested in leasing or selling the buildings.

Action Items

  • Jake
    • Start an email thread about possible school names
    • Email the ODE charter school coordinator the following questions:
      • In ORS 338.035 what do they define an “alternative education program” as?
      • Is their any advantage to establishing a charter school from an existing alternative education program?
  • Everyone
    • Respond to the email thread with their name ideas.