Posts by jake_plahn

Board Meeting January 27 at 7:00 PM

Posted by on Jan 26, 2015 in Board Meetings

Date: Tuesday, January 27. 2015

Start Time: The meeting was called to order at 7:09 pm

End Time:

Location: Mountain View Academy Middle School Classroom


Agenda Items

  • Call Meeting to Order.
  • Schedule next meeting
    • The next board meeting date was set for February 24, 2015 at 7:00 pm at Mtn View Academy.
  • Adoption of Agenda
    • Laurie Cardwell requested Sub Days be added to the agenda.
  • Approval of Minutes
    • No comments were received.  The minutes were adopted as submitted for the December 16, 2014 Board meeting.
  • Approve summer curriculum days for teachers,

    proposal attached.

    • More Info  The proposal suggested allowing each grade level to have an interactive social studies/science plan for learning which would commit 5 hours by 8 teachers at 20.00 per hour for a total commitment of $800.00  The second proposal brings forward Shurley English training for all grades for a commitment of $800.00.  Lastly, a MAP In-Service training was suggested for all grades for 8 hours by 8 teachers at $20 per hour for a total commitment of 1,280, plus $4,500 for the MAP training by the company.  Ms. Cardwell said this would help show students’ progress across the year regardless of grade level which would empower teachers within their teaching curriculum.  Historically, MVA has performed well within the traditional math/science OAKS testing which has been used.  Beau Garner confirmed this proposal is a substantial fiscal increase from the previous years’ summer commitment.  He said #1 and 2 would match the budgeted commitment, with #3 being a one time increase and 1,500 per year thereafter.  Jake Plahn suggested a more formalized budget for #3 be submitted before formal approval being given by the Board.
      • Erica Richardson moved to accept the proposal and associated funding of $1,600 for summer curriculum #1 and #2.  Proposal #3 will be added to the agenda for a subsequent meeting at which time a more specific budget will be presented for approval.  Julie Valencia seconded the motion.
  • Approve addition of 6th grade teacher and modular based on current enrollment data.
    • Laurie Cardwell provided a MVA projected growth handout outlining growth for the 2015-2017 academic years.  Current enrollment is at 91 students. Ms. Cardwell is optimistic about meeting the additional added students projected.  At these projected figures MVA will be one class space short to accommodate enrollment.  A sixth grade class and a 6th grade teacher will need to be added based on these projections.   Laurie Cardwell is seeking approval to add a 6th grade teacher and a modular to accommodate the projections.  Jake Plahn suggested the Board wait until the budget cycle to approve another 6th grade hire.  The Board reviewed Mr. Hanline’s previous proposal reviewed at the December in which a preliminary verbal estimate of $15k was provided for a single modular.  Ms. Cardwell shared an email with the Board in which she requested a lease price for the modular from Mr. Hanline.  He responded that he has provided the information from the vendor, I cannot give MVA more information until MVA gives him the specific size and details. Mr. Hanline expressed concern due to his perceived delay in approval. He said the option of MVA leasing the buildings from a vendor may be the best option due to the bid process.  Julie Valencia shared that Mr. Hanline stated at the Lowell Board meeting a modular did not meet Lowell School District’s master plan as Lowell School District is now considering obtaining a bond.  Jessica Justman offered to pursue researching estimates for a used facility; Laurie Cardwell will provide Board Member Justman the details required.  Per Jake Plahn a meeting will be set up with Walt Hanline, Julie Valencia, and Laurie Cardwell to discuss the issue further.  Beau Garner asked the Board consider options to use the current space more effectively rather than move toward a modular.  The Board discussed options for using the current space.
  • Approve teacher request: Kirsten requests tablets.
    • Laurie Cardwell shared Kirsten Cardwell requested 15 tablets for for her kindergarten class at $54.99 each, with an additional cost of $600 to enable connectivity.   Laurie Cardwell said that the internet connectivity addition to that area would be of value to more than this classroom.  Julie Valencia asked if the parameters around the use of the activity fee could be interpreted for this kind of need.  President Plahn advised he does not believe that is an appropriate use of that funding source based on his understanding of the State of Oregon rules.  Laurie Cardwell suggested the 10k donation recently received could be used to fund this proposal.  Jake Plahn noted that donation puts MVA $5k over the projected donation amount.  Laurie Cardwell will provide the Board projected expenditures for the remaining FY14-15.  President Plahn suggested the Board complete a budget review at the next meeting with MVA’s accountant prior to the board making a decision.  The issue was tabled until the February 24, 2015 meeting.
  • Dec. Budget
    • Ms. Cardwell reviewed the MVA Profit and Loss Statement with the Board.   Board Member Erica Richardson asked if MVA had looked into using a printer service to save funds rather than using only MVA equipment.  Laurie Cardwell said that issue has not been looked into, but she would review that option.  Ms. Cardwell noted that summer packets could be funded out of the activity fee; after review of the policy, President Plahn agreed.
  • Propose an idea for a teacher perk
    • Vice President Valencia asked if there is a way to offer to the teachers that have their students attending MVA, some sort of incentive, for example a staff rate activity fee?  President Plahn suggested an attorney review that suggestion prior to implementation, however he suggested that a teacher could be provided a bonus for enrolling their child in MVA to support community based education.  Erica Richardson brought up only providing an incentive to teachers with children vs. teachers who have no children as a concern.  Vice President Valencia said she would like to see action taken toward teacher retention and asked the Board to consider this and other option throughout the year.
  • Progress on enrollment/marketing and next steps
    • Board Member Justman reported she passed out fliers for enrollment. She said MVA is participating in the alternative education fair will be held on January 31st, 2015.  Ms. Justman asked the Board to prioritize marketing and the value of coming up with a strategic marketing plan.  Board member Garner agreed that a strategic plan or direction would be a valuable outline for MVA to follow.  Ms. Justman offered to provide the Board a drafted plan for their review and discussion.  Julie Valencia thanked and commended Board Member Justman for the GoogleDocs project.
    • Board Member Justman asked for clarification on a student enrolling in the current AY year, when another student had already been projected to fill a spot in the subsequent year.  President Plahn clarified that the current student has preference over the incoming student.
      • Erica Richardson moved that Jessica Justman lead the market plan development. Jake Plahn seconded the motion. The motion was discussed with Beau Garner clarifying leading the marketing plan does not include committing funds to the project. Motion passed unanimously.
  • Discuss creating a PTA.
    • Jessica Justman spoke to the Board regarding volunteer recruitment and suggested a PTA forum could be helpful to MVA as they continue to pursue marketing and fundraising.  Vice President Valencia added that she felt a classroom parent working hand in hand with each teacher would be helpful.  Erica Justman asked regarding the formalities of a PTA organization and whether it is a formal organization.  Laurie Cardwell said access to the school may be an issue. Erica Richardson said currently trying to ascertain where volunteers are needed, or what a parent can be helpful with is difficult.  VP Valencia added the school website is under-utilized and could be used for items such as this if a facilitator was identified.  Laurie Cardwell suggested at a staff meeting, teachers could create a list of needs which could be shared. Beau Garner added MVA has a good base of volunteers that are committed to assisting, but an organizational structure or forum is needed.  Board Member Justman reminded the Board that Administrative Assistant Kelly is responsible for scheduling and coordinating volunteers.  Beau Garner suggested distributing a flyer of ways to get involved with MVA to include a mention of the PTA with a contact of Erica Richardson for more information.  Laurie Cardwell will contact teachers about volunteer needs as well as create the flyer. The Board will revisit the topic at the February Board meeting.
  • Address public notice for your meetings. Records retention compliance and knowledge transfer
    • Board Minute Recorder Sprague reviewed the requirements for posting the agenda publically and records
      • Vice President Valencia agreed to link a Board meeting notice and agenda on facebook prior to each meeting.
      • Sub-Days (added agenda items)
        • Amy has ended up with Jury Duty which affects the amount of sub days.  Laurie Cardwell advised the MVA bookkeeper said she would move forward as the Board directed.  The Board was supportive of the teacher and discussed options to accommodate jury duty and leave time outside available balances.  Laurie Cardwell will check with peer institutions to ascertain their policies around issues like this.  Jessica Justman confirmed the issue must be resolved prior to the February pay period.
  • Administrator’s Report
    • Laurie Cardwell shared a note from Rommells, thanking the school, administrators and teaching staff for their hard work on the recent play  and enclosing a $10,000.00 donation check.  She reported MVA has successfully started their marketing campaign and Lowell bus services have started as well.  Ms. Cardwell said the electronics drive is a great success and new computers have arrived and are being used for mathematics kinders.  Quartney Nydam is our new custodian. A new batch of electives started in January including woodworking, newspaper and quilting among others.  She shared an OMSI field trip will occur on Friday including a submarine tour.  A course has been ordered on managing student records put on by a law firm for Laurie Cardwell and Kelly Harris to take.  Dibels testing is being worked on. Jessica  is taking a graduate course on autism.  Current enrollment is 90 with 4 students being lost over the break and 2 being gained.  Beau Garner asked regarding an exit interview on departing students.  Laurie Cardwell said she had been in contact with departing families. Julie Valencia suggested sending a self addressed stamped envelope with a questionnaire for families to return
      • President Jake Plahn moved to accept the 10k donation from Dave Rommel into the donation fund in the budget, Beau Garner seconded the motion, the motion passed unanimously.
    • Julie Valencia clarified that due to MVA not having an enrollment window open currently, any applications or students obtained from Board Member Justman’s marketing work will need to be held for processing until the next open enrollment window has begun.    The Board discussed options for insuring all interested students are able to enroll and President Plahn reviewed the requirements for an enrollment window.
      • Julie Valencia moved to begin an enrollment window from January 31, 2015 to February 12, 2015 with identical content, format  and capacity as the previous enrollment window. Jessica Justman seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.

      • Erica Richardson announced that Green Valley Archers has moved more locally and could be considered for a field trip.  Laurie Cardwell said she is aware and will keep options open.
  • Adjourn
    • With no further business the meeting was adjourned by President Plahn at 9:09 pm.


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Board Meeting December 16th at 7:00 PM

Posted by on Dec 1, 2014 in Board Meetings

Date: 12/16/2014

Start Time: 7:00 PM

End Time:

Location: Mountain View Academy Middle School Classroom

Attendees: Board Chair, Jake Plahn and members Beau Garner, Jessica Justman, Erica Richardson and Julie Valencia were present.  Administrator Laurie Cardwell and Minutes Recorder Beth Sprague were also in attendance.

Agenda Items

  • Call Meeting to Order
    • Chair Plahn called the meeting to order at 7:13 pm
  • Schedule next meeting
    • Subsequent meeting was scheduled for January 27, 2014 at 7:00 pm at Mtn View Academy.
  • Adoption of Agenda
    • Agenda was accepted as presented.
  • Approval of Minutes
    • Beau Garner noted a type under class size: “Jake Plahn expressed strong concern at 15:1 ratio, He said “it” (add) is against the premise.”  Minutes were adopted as presented with the above change.
  • Request from Jill Chapman: Add word office package to the middle school computers
    • Mrs. Valencia said currently GoogleDocs is used but is not adequate for all Mrs. Chapman’s classroom projects Ten licenses for the MS Office Suite have been requested.  Julie Valencia will provide the Board a cost estimate at the next meeting for review.
  • Review budget emails from Maureen
    • Item 1
      • Beau Garner noted that the Profit and Loss Statement reflects a change in the activity fees showing an 87% collection total rather than the amount showing.
    • Item 2
    • Item 3
    • Item 4
      • MVA is currently at 42% of the fiscal year.  Laurie Cardwell noted  Acct. 651, Liability Insurance is at 167.6%, but has been addressed.  Beau Garner asked for clarification around 200 – Activity Expenditures, 200.410, which shows at 93.1%.  The Board discussed the Chart of Accounts and clarifying it for the next fiscal year for ease of use.  Julie Valencia explained that the overarching Board budget does not create the sub-categories needed for state standards which creates a disconnect within the financial reports.
    • Item 5
      • Laurie Cardwell noted an inaccurate number on the activity fee due to an incorrect fiscal year carryforward.  Currently 87% of the activity fees have been collected. Total collected is to date is $19,975.  The Board will be approached should a family be unable to pay fees for special accommodation.  Jake Plahn reminded the Board per Oregon State standards MVA cannot require a family to pay.
  • Resolution to change from PERS EPPT to MPPT as of January 1, 2015.
    • Resolution: “Resolved by Mountain View Academy, That our PERS contribution type change from EPPT to MPPT as of January 1, 2015.”
    • Sign and send the provided letter to PERS.
      • Chair Plahn said he has spoken to Debbie and Maureen who provided an updated form.
      • Jake Plahn moved to adopt the resolution as presented to the Board.   Jessica Justman seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.
  • Board training
    • Walt Hanline has offered to provide a full-day team building workshop at a cost of  $1,000.
    • Individual and team related DiSC reports are available for an additional fee of $650.
    • Proposal
    • DiSC Reports
    • Fiscal Report
    • National Center Brochure
      • Laurie Cardwell reported the DiSC reports are personality inventories outlining strengths/weaknesses and training around Board administration is also included. The training schedule would be flexible around Board needs.  Julie Valencia confirmed the fee is a flat fee for all Board members.  Jake Plahn said both he and Laurie have attended his training and seminars and found it helpful.    Laurie Cardwell reminded the Board there is a training line item within the budget that could be used.  Chair Plahn added there is a 15,000 budget contingency remains available.
    • Julie Valencia moved the Board pursue the initial team building workshop at a cost of $1000 provided by Walt Hanline,  after which the Board will assess to determine if it is advantageous to schedule additional training.  Beau Garner seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.   Laurie Cardwell will contact Mr. Hanline to schedule the training.
  • Approve calendar and student hours for 2015-2016
    • Student Hours/Calendar
      • Jake Plahn reviewed the draft AY2015 calendar which as presented shows MVA well over the state minimum in all grades.The Wednesday before Thanksgiving conferences will be held in the morning, freeing the afternoon.  It is a no student day.  The calendar as presented shows MVA well over the state minimum in all grades.  Laurie clarified kindergarten requirements are currently a half day.
      • Erica Richardson moved to approve the calendar and student hours for the AY2015-2016 school year as presented.  Beau Garner seconded the motion. Motion was approved unanimously.
  • Open Enrollment Forms and $250 payment from Lowell
    • Form
    • Lowell has offerred a $250 one-time payment for any of these forms brought in and then enrolled the student.  MVA currently gets 80% of state funding and Lowell gets 20% of the funding for in district students enrolled.  The enrollment deadline is March 31st, 2015.
  • Approve curriculum teacher workshop
    • 2 – 5 hour sessions during the summer. 10 hours per employee @$20/hour.
    • $2,200 cost estimate for current staffing. This includes 7 teachers, administrator, secretary, and aides.
    • Laurie Cardwell added last year curriculum was streamlined and was successful, there are additional trainings that teachers could benefit from as well.  Several format options for training are available.  Chair Plahn asked Laurie Cardwell to present the Board with a draft summer teacher workshop outline including an estimate for this year’s needs, time and cost  for approval.
  • Approve enrollment flyer and enrollment date.
    • Application
    • Flyer
    • The flyer was presented.  Six potential kindergarteners have been identified. Laurie Cardwell asked for Board approval to distribute the Jessical Pelroy, Springfield Christian Preschool and Willamalane Preschool.
    •  Changes made are as follows:  Julie Valencia noted an adjustment to 8:00 am to 2:55pm end date and field trips to take place one Friday per month with transportation provided.  Before and after school care comment will be available through Lowell School District. The flyer date will state 2015-2016 academic year. The official Facebook logo will be added.  A checkbox will be added, “do you have a sibling that currently attends Mtn View.
    • Jessica Justman added using student pictures on the flyer might aid in recruitment as well.  It was suggested that a 1/4 page flyer might be easier to distribute.  Board Member Justman volunteered to assist in flyer distribution by creating a list for distribution to have volunteers assist with.
    • Beau Garner questioned not having it mentioned that openings exist in other grade levels; it was decided to focus on kindergarten at this enrollment window time.
    • Jake Plahn moved to accept the enrollment application as presented. Julie Valencia seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
    • Jake Plahn moved to edit the currently approved application with a checkbox saying “do you have a student that currently attends Mtn View Academy.  The motion was seconded by Beau Garner.  The motion passed unanimously.
    • Jake Plahn recommended that all students re-enroll within this enrollment window to provide the board the opportunity to review enrollment numbers at the next Board meeting.
    • Julie Valencia moved the enrollment window be extended to January 5-23, 2015.  Jessica Justman seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.
  • Approve revised projected growth plan.
    • Projected growth plan
    • Discussion took place around class size and accommodating an increased enrollment. Laurie Cardwell recommended MVA grow from the bottom up rather than increasing new students in upper level grades.  Ms. Cardwell recommended enrollment be set at 15 per class with the exception of a  7th/8th grade class blend which could be capped at 10 and reviewed at a later time.
    • Erica Richardson moved that the capacity for K-6 be set at 15 per class with a 7th/8th grade class blend to be capped at 10.  Jessica Justman seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
  • Approve modular project to accommodate growth.
    • Quote
    • Plans
    • Laurie presented a proposal for modulars which Mr. Hanline has asked the Board to approve.  Mr. Hanline has not provided a firm cost, however the lease is estimated to be around $15,000 per year.  The only viable growth option for MVA at this location currently with the projected AdM are modulars.  A double modular was discussed as additional space for growth as well.
    • Jake Plahn added that while this space request is a logical step, it is premature before a projected budget and AdM are identified.  The Board discussed compliance with a 3 bid competitive process within a lease arrangement.
    • The Board consensus reflected waiting to commit to an answer, pending a full decision until the January 23rd enrollment window has passed and budgetary numbers are identified.  Laurie Cardwell was directed to advise Mr. Hanline of the Board’s decision.
  • Discuss/approve activity fee amount for next year.
    • Laurie reported that several families are making payments on the current fee.  Julie Valencia requested the ability to take credit cards be obtained for next year which will assist in collections.  The Board discussed not having a draft budget for the upcoming year and the related challenges in setting the activity fee prior to budget development. Options presented include keeping the fee the same; reducing it for the second year and providing a multiple student discount.  Julie Valencia asked Laurie to find out how an activity fee would be carried forward to subsequent years and parameters for expenditures of those fees.
    • Jake Plahn moved the activity fee be set at $250.00 per student for the 2015-2016 school year.  Julie Valencia seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.
  • Administrator’s report
    • Staff and students successfully implemented the musical play.
    • Jessica Justman and Julie Valencia were thanked for their assistance with fundraising. A total of $1300 was raised.
    • The procurement of computers will be completed shortly.
    • Purchased and installed a fireproof and locking file cabinet for
    • Dustin Sprague, Oregon State Police Sr. Trooper completed a walk through on December 3rd to discuss safety issues. He has an incredible resume with safety and security protocol.  He was pleased with the setup of the workrooms and closets and recommended additional blinds.  MVA fire drills and the evacuation- plan in conjunction with Lowell. The lock-down is the only plan in which MVA is completing on their own. Text messaging will be used as communication after the initial intercom communication.
    • Whole day kindergarten program has been a success.  Students have a nap-time. They are also excelling in reading and in math with these programs being completed in January.
    • Kindergarten enrollment date has been completed with 6 pending enrollment.s
    • A donation check is expected on December 22nd, 2014 from Dave Rommell.
  • Personnel review policy
    • Beau Garner suggested a more formalized process for reviewing personnel issues as they arise.  BoaA rd requirements surrounding personnel review policies were discussed.  Beth Sprague will provide resource information on this topic to the Board Chair for distribution to the board as appropriate.
  • Discuss/finalize/approve transportation plan to be in effect Jan 5, 2015
    • Contract
    • Signup Sheet
    • Jake Plahn provided background that MVA is required to provide student transportation. Lowell provided an estimate to include MVA students in their bus service to the Board.  The Board has been asked to approve the contract and review and accept the sign-up sheet.  Lowell will charge $10.00 per student per year based on the sign-up sheet regardless of whether or not a student rides the bus.  The Board agreed the ideal agreement would allow Lowell to manage the logistics.  Jake Plahn noted that line item #3 was not in the original contract discussion and recommended the Board confirm with Walt Hanline before accepting the contract.
    • After a call to Walt Hanline he said MVA has a choice to request another route to provide more capacity; at which time MVA would be responsible for the cost for additional routes and buses.  Mr. Hanline recommended any language changes be forwarded to him for inclusion.  Jake Plahn confirmed January 5th, 2015 as a targeted date to begin signups.
    • Julie Valencia moved to approve the document provided for transportation from Walt Hanline with the alteration of an addition to the beginning of #3 of “Upon the request of MVA,”.  Beau Garner seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
  • Discuss/vote/approve board positions per Beth’s email
    • Board Position 1 – Chair, Jake Plahn
      • Jake Plahn told the Board in March he has a 2-year tenure and would like step down from his Chair position to an involvement with less time commitment.
    • Board Position 2 – Vice Chair
      • Beau Garner nominated Julie Valencia as Vice Chair of the MVA Board, Erica Richardson seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
    • Board Position 3 – Secretary/Treasurer
    • Board Position 4 – Member
    • Board Position 5 – Member
      • Chair Plahn reviewed the duties within the bylaws of each position.
      • Jake Plahn moved to accept the annual date of July 1 as the election of Board officers. Erica Richardson seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
      • Julie Valencia moved to pursue the purchase of a square reader to accept credit cards on MVA business.  Jake Plahn seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
      • The board will not pass the square fee on to the customer.  Laurie Cardwell will follow through on the purchase with Kelly Harris.
  • Adjourn
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Board Meeting November 25th at 7:00 PM

Posted by on Oct 29, 2014 in Board Meetings

Date: 11/25/2014

Start Time: 7:00 PM

End Time:

Location: Mountain View Academy Middle School Classroom


*Draft minutes – unapproved*

Agenda Items

  • Call Meeting to Order
    • Meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm.  Attending were Jake Plahn, Julie Valencia, Laurie Cardwell, Beau Garner, Kirsten Cardwell, Jake Plahn, Julie Valencia, Erica Richardson, Jessica Justman
  • Schedule next meeting
    • December meeting was scheduled for December 16th at 7:00 pm at MVA.
  • Adoption of Agenda
    • J. Plahn reviewed the agenda.  No comments were offered, the agenda was approved.
  • Approval of Minutes
    • The minutes of the last board meeting were on the website. Beau Garner noted for the PERS Contribution the wording was not adequate to capture the discussion for future references.  Julie Valencia summarized that the decision was short prior to the payroll being completed.  The Group decided to pick it up because nothing additional was set up.  It was decided that a stop to it in December.  Laurie Caldwell said PERS requested us to start picking it up at the beginning of next year.  Responding to a request from Jake, she expanded that PERS wanted us to end at the end of the pay period in December (January).   Jake suggested an additional agenda item be added to discuss the issue further.
      • the decision was changed to “we will stop picking this up beginning in the December payroll and for subsequent months moving forward”.
  • (Revised)  Introductions: Beau Garner, Jessica Justman, Laurie Cardwell, Jessica Cardwell, Kristen Cardwell, Jake Plahn, Julie Valencia, Erica Richardson
  • 2015-2016 Calendar
    • Laurie Cardwell distributed a sample calendar from Lowell (See attached Exhibit”).  Walt has asked us to align our calendar with Lowell’s.  Conversations with administration included around changes included adding additional minutes in the morning, and having designated arrival and/or start times, breakfast (which would be charged).  Jake Plahn requested the same spreadsheet as last year be used to insure consistent calculations over multiple years.  Laurie Cardwell explained instruction for MVA starts at 8:15 while students are in the their seats ready at 0800 which leaves 15 minutes of instruction unaccounted for.  Teachers are required to arrive before students.
      • A meeting was set between Jake Plahn and Laurie Caldwell at 7:00 am, Monday, December 1st, 2014 to compare spreadsheets, finalize and forward to Walt for review. The final calendar will be voted on by the board at the December meeting.
  • Budget for overnight field trip in April
    • Laurie Cardwell provided a cost breakdown (estimate), Lodging @ $1,000 / Entry Fees @ $1,000 / Bus @ $500-600 / Food @ $500-600, totaling around $3,000.  Options for no cost learning include Yaquina tide pools which would be activity fee use.  She requested formal board approval for that trip.
    • $22,000 in activity fees was allotted in the budget with $4,000 being used to date.
  • Oct. budget (received from maureen)
    • Laurie Cardwell provided the board with monthly financials for review.  The Board reviewed the financials, items noted include:
      • Insurance is over the 1/3 budgeted for this point in the year at 159.9% of budgeted expenditure.
      • $3,974 in activity fees has been expended as of October.
      • State unemployment insurance is not included in the budget due to an oversight.  Jake Plahn noted the updated budget on the website does include that line item and Maureen should receive an update.
      • Curriculum, textbooks and supply line items are broken up to Elementary and Middle School
      • Profit and Loss for this quarter was reviewed per line item with explanation of totals.
      • The Board requested all the reports be provided prior to the meeting for future meeting. Consensus was all reports provided were valuable.
  • Current fundraising for budget
    • Jessica Justman has offered to work on fundraising with a silent auction, christmas tree fundraiser, and technology fundraiser.  NextStep recycle was contacted and a cart with refurbished computers will be provided for battery collection in exchange for technology credit.
    • Jake Plahn noted that there is $5,000 in the fundraising budget and we are not currently to capacity for students. He expressed desire that volunteering to be done in marketing rather than fundraising and would leverage personnel time as each additional student is $5,500.  Julie Valencia added that money is not received immediately, and often parents do not move students mid-year.  Current openings include 1st, 4th and 5th with two spots each with a possibility of adding more to the middle school with board approval.  Mrs. Valencia noted that with 5k being made with FCA with 60 children, and 92 children at MVA the possibility of increased fundraising is real.  Justine added there is an interchangeable arena within marketing and fundraising as it increases visibility of the school which may bring more people in.
    • Jake Plahn asked that the fundraising line item on the budget be revisited for next year.
  • Policy for enrolling kinders for 2015-16
    • Laurie requested a policy from the Board anticipating upcoming enrollments.  Beau Garner said it would be good to establish a strategic plan or policy for kinders.  Julie Valencia added for many other schools, kinder enrollment begins in February.  Jake Plahn said a policy isn’t necessarily needed as long as we follow the rules for the charter school and all that needs to be done with starting and ending enrollment dates.  Consideration for attending an open house, only coming to the office and turning in an application, or only complying with minimum state requirements was discussed.  Kirsten Cardwell was asked for input and said consideration should be given for sibling clause as well.  K. Cardwell expressed willingness to provide applications to parents of preschool parents if it is allowed within contract.  A letter to preschools in the area was discussed as an option.
    • Mrs. Laurie Cardwell said letting families know this is their first opportunity for an enrollment window with 15 identified open spots is an option.  Ms. L. Cardwell said a waiting list would be welcomed as part of the policy as well.
    • An enrollment policy has been adopted by the Board and is on the website for review.  The lack of a twin policy was mentioned.
    • Past recruiting/enrollment marketing had been completed by Jessica Cardwell.
    • It was decided L. Cardwell will set enrollment dates and mandatory open house will not occur with an orientation in its place.
  • Technology requests from teachers
    • Six additional laptop computers for Carmen Trimble’s room were requested. Jake Plahn will attempt to address the request.
  • Report from Laurie
    • An additional aid with support for recess, reading and janitorial has been added.
    • Monthly calendar for the year with field trips has been completed.
    • Multiple IEP meetings have been held.
    • Close to 100% attendance occurred at conferences.
    • Binder created with curriculum alignment by grade level.
    • Mtgs with teachers for goals, Kay and Walt have occurred regularly.
    • Beau Garner asked if the previously approved technology purchases have been made.  L. Cardwell said they had and it is going well.
  • (removed, duplicate) Advertising/new enrollment
  • Projected growth
    • Laurie provided a projected growth chart for Board review. (see exhibit)  She reviewed the report by line item.  Items of substance include needing additional space in the future (conversations with Walt around a modular have taken place).
    • Jake Plahn expressed strong concern against MVA increasing the class size above 15 as it is a hot button item for parents and MVA is the sole school in the state that has a 15/1 ratio with ability grouping.  He said is against the premise MVA has been built on.  Laurie Cardwell explained it would increase the middle school class to 18 for one year. She feels the advantage to increasing that class size would assist the budget and smaller class sizes are not as crucial in higher grades.  A waiver could be requested to accommodate the increased class size.  Julie Valencia compared Lundy ratio’s to MVA’s and explained the quality of education should be considered as well as class sizes.  Beau Garner asked that additional options be presented to the Board in multiple scenarios for additional consideration.
    • Laurie Cardwell expressed concern should future planning not be completed, last minute items being addressed with unreasonable time constraints to accommodate students would occur again.  Jake Plahn asked the Board to create a plan based on how many students MVA wants to provide educational support to, and then address space issues as secondary. He reminded the Board that this space is not permanent as the MVA program has been nomadic in the past.  Mrs Valencia added from her experience in construction, to advertise an availability for 15 students per class for K-8 would be misleading when space is not available.  She advised a more responsible approach might be to ask Walt if an enrollment projection was met, Lowell would be willing to accommodate space needs.
  • Start/end time change? Hours, Breakfast? (For AY15-16)
    • Laurie Cardwell asked the Board if they wished to alter times.  Students currently arrive at 8:00 am and begin work early, and the crossover concern previously cited has not been an issue.  Jake Plahn explained that to change time, Lowell would have to contacted, and parents informed as well.  For AY14-15 instruction hours are currently met, however changing the arrival time would create more hours to work with for contingencies.
  • Discuss having an official meeting minute recorder.
  • Beth Sprague would like to record minutes at board meetings
  • Julie nominates Erica Richardson to serve on the school board filling the vacant position for the duration of the AY14-15.
  • Julie nominates Jessica Justman to serve on the school board.
  • Transportation of students
    • Laurie Cardwell presented a request from a parent for a child to ride the Lowell School bus to MVA.  Jake Plahn reviewed in summary the previous discussion of this issue.  The Lowell Attorney had previously advised MVA may be required to provide bus service.  A previous discussion determined MVA would cover the cost of the previous student who requested this until further determination.
    • Laurie Cardwell cited ORS 338.145 , transportation for students of Charter Schools which provided 3 options.  Jake Plahn clarified Lowell has advised MVA that the only option is for MVA to pay for the transportation cost.  Laurie Provided an email from Walt delineating the cost per student for transportation at $3.80 per student per year for routes currently in existence.  Walt’s recommendation was it be limited to first come, first serve for in-district students based on space within the bus.
    • Jake Plahn reminded the Board his understanding is that parents who contacted MVA were to be told that we are working it out with Lowell and we don’t have logistics but will let you know, and conversations with Walt were to be delegated to him for discussion.  Julie Valencia asked if Jake Plahn had an answer to the previous issue.  Jake replied he did not yet have an answer from Lowell and he considered this issue a low priority.
    • Julie Valencia asked the issue be moved forward with Jake Plahn as the point person.
  • Review Administrator Job Description and discuss Laurie’s tasks (moving agenda item to executive session in the next mtg)
  • Adjourn
  • With no further business at hand, the meeting was adjourned at 9:31 pm by Chair Jake Plahn.
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Board Meeting October 28th at 7:00 PM

Posted by on Sep 25, 2014 in Board Meetings

Date: 10/28/2014

Start Time: 7:00 PM

End Time: 9:05 PM

Location: Mountain View Academy Middle School Classroom

Attendees: Julie Valencia, Beau Garner, Laurie Cardwell, Jake Plahn

Agenda Items

  • Call Meeting to Order
  • Schedule next meeting
  • Adoption of Agenda
  • Approval of Minutes
  • Decide on picking up the employee PERS contribution.
    • We will stop picking this for December payroll – unanimous consent
  • Graham activity fee refund
    • We will refund $200 – unanimous consent
  • Utilizing sports teams for marketing purposes
  • E-School seminar
    • $75 – 1 day seminar – unamimous consent
    • We will pay her for the time spent at the seminar – unanimous consent
  • Purchase 1 more projector
    • $399 – unanimous consent
  • Purchase 2 more document cameras
    • $400 – unanimous consent
  • MAP testing
    • $4,500 entire staff training
    • $1,500 annual for under 100 kids
    • The deadline is November for the first round of tests. We don’t feel that we can get ourselves ready by then. We will review this again when budgeting for next year.
  • Teacher Evaluations
  • Overnight field trip
  • Review September Financial Reports
  • Adjourn
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Board Meeting September 24th at 7:00 PM

Posted by on Sep 9, 2014 in Board Meetings

Date: 9/24/2014

Start Time: 7:00 PM

End Time: 9:10 PM

Location: Mountain View Academy Middle School Classroom

Attendees: Jake Plahn, Julie Valencia, Beau Garner, Laurie Cardwell

Agenda Items

  • Call Meeting to Order
  • Schedule next meeting
    • October 28th at 7:00 PM
  • Adoption of Agenda
    • approved – unanimous consent
  • Approval of Minutes
    • approved – unanimous consent
  • Review budget
  • Utility Addendum to Lease
    • approved – unanimous consent
  • Review student hours
  • Sign funding
    • approved – unanimous consent, $250 one time payment, we will revisit again in the spring and see if we have funding for another payment.
  • Bus transportation
  • Additional aide- 2 hours
    • Proposed schedule (from Laurie)
    • 8:00-8:10 in the morning, help Dana get kids to class
    • 8:20 – 9:45 reading
    • 9:45 – 10:00 help supervise recess with Dana
    • approved – unanimous consent, but we want this position to be filled by a licensed teacher.
  • Activity fee policy
    • approved – unanimous consent, to create an official policy that includes a refund.
  • Potential pilot program with departing student
  • Discuss hiring committee
  • Create self medicate policy
  • Policy for meds
  • LOCS membership $100/year
    • approved – unanimous consent, that Laurie will purchase a LOCS membership.
  • Parent volunteers
  • Teacher contracts
  • Policy for student enrollment for next year.
  • Adjourn

Action Items

  • Jake will discuss bus transportation with Walt and finalize by 10/8.
  • Jake run the numbers on reading teacher from 8:00 – 10:00 $20/hour and email them out
  • Create activity fee refund policy from ACE
  • Email parent asking for activity fee refund
  • Jake will post hiring committee to web site and FB and teachers (pool).
  • Jake will post medicine policy recommendations to web site.
  • Jake and Laurie will write the new enrollment policy
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