Activity Fee Procedure


Adopted: 3/21/2017, Updated: 1/23/2018

Resolved by Mountain View Academy

1. The activity fee is $250.00 per student per school year. $50 of the $250 is due with the student’s registration in February and is nonrefundable unless the applicant is placed on the waiting list, then the $50 application fee is refunded.

2. The remaining $200 is due by the first day of school. The $200 can be paid in full anytime, or the applicant may elect to make payments on the 1st or 15th of each month, starting in March. The minimum payment each month is $50, unless extenuating circumstances warrant prior approval by the Board of Directors.

a.Families with multiple students can have an extended payment plan, not to exceed December 31st.

3. A reimbursement of activity fee money must be requested and presented to the Board of Directors for approval.  Reimbursements will only be granted at a 50% reimbursement rate. No reimbursements will be granted after January 1st.

4. Students will be excluded from activities if these fees are not paid in full by the first day of school in September, unless prior arrangements were made and approved by the Board of Directors.

5. Mid-year activity and enrollment fees- When a student joins mid-year, no matter what time of year you join, there is a $50 fee assessed and then $25 per month fee, up to $250 total.





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  1. approved

  2. Approved

  3. Approved

  4. Approved.